
23 Sep 2018

2018 Deliverability Benchmark Report

It has been a busy 12 months on the business email landscape with plenty of changes across the industry particularly with GDPR coming into effect in May. Some of these changes have provided challenges, however, overall, we believe that they will benefit business in the long run.

This year’s Return Path annual benchmark report has just been released and the numbers indicate that despite all the changes, overall – email deliverability is improving.

The latest results from the report indicate that email continues to be a very strong business communication strategy.

Overall Inbox placements have increased by 5% globally

This pattern has been consistent throughout the year, with the second quarter producing the highest jump at 7%. The 1% reduction in spam placement is also a good sign of a healthy inbox placement. The average global inbox placement stands at 85% – while trending upwards, this still means that on average 15% of emails are not reaching the inbox. Cumulo9’s sophisticated solution achieves a solid 99.5% measured deliverability to our customer’s Internet Service Providers. Read more on the importance of deliverability here or see how much extra revenue you can earn by increasing your email efficiency with the Cumulo9 Deliverability Calculator.

rate graph

Tracking and analyzing recipient interactions is now an art form for many email providers, who are increasingly adjusting their functionality accordingly.

Deliverability by Industry

In terms of industry success, it is the Distribution and Manufacturing along with the Banking and Finance sectors who had the highest averages for the period 1 July 2017 through to 30 June 2018 at 96%. The lowest rate goes to the education/nonprofit/government sector, at an average of just 83% for the same period.

Regionally Australasia fares quite well with above average deliverability rates – New Zealand enjoying 90% and Australia achieving 89%.

New Zealand email inbox placement     Australia email inbox placement

If you’d like to discover how Cumulo9 can help you achieve improved deliverability for your essential email communications, email us at support@cumulo9.com or phone:

NZ Support Line +64 9 377 8885

AU Support Line +61 3 9013 4568

USA Support Line +1 201 204 9460

Visit the Cumulo9 Resources page to check any of the others resources available to help you with your essential email communications or to download the full report from the Marketing Resources section.

Note: the global benchmark statistics and information have been taken from the Return Path Benchmark report.

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