10 Jan 2024

e-Boks and Cumulo9 partner up to improve digital communications

In a significant move to bolster digital communication capabilities, Cumulo9 has entered a partnership with the global secure digital platform provider e-Boks. This collaboration is set to redefine the standards of digital interaction between businesses and their customers, leveraging the strengths of both organisations to offer a more secure, efficient, and integrated digital communication experience.

e-Boks – creating a better digital environment

Based in Denmark, e-Boks is a secure digital platform for dialogue, sending and storing important documents. Established in 2001, e-Boks is represented in several countries and has over 22.7 million users globally.  e-Boks vision is to create user-friendly, connected and safe digital communities that make everyday life easier and better for everyone.

This partnership represents a significant step towards redefining secure digital communication in the APAC region. By integrating our secure digital postbox platform with Cumulo9's robust digital infrastructure and communication solutions, we are creating a synergistic offering that enhances efficiency, security, and compliance to the clients of Cumulo9. This partnership is not just about combining services; it's about innovating and leading the way in the digital communication sector” 

Ulrik Falkner Thagesen, e-Boks CEO

A symbiotic partnership enhancing security and compliance

The partnership offers customers a combination of Cumulo9’s customer communication management system and e-Boks' digital postbox, resulting in a solution that significantly elevates businesses’ digital communication standards. 

This collaboration is particularly impactful in an era where data security and regulatory compliance are crucial. Cumulo9's communication solutions are set to enhance the protection offered by e-Boks' secure digital postbox channel which is fortified with stringent security protocols. More than safeguarding sensitive data, this partnership provides a solid framework for businesses to navigate the complexities of global data protection laws. By combining Cumulo9's innovative digital communication offerings with e-Boks' expertise in secure data handling, this partnership is poised to redefine digital interaction, empowering businesses to communicate with heightened confidence and compliance.

e-Boks has demonstrated a shared commitment to digital excellence and innovation that is perfectly aligned with our strategic focus at Cumulo9. The integration of e-Boks' secure digital postbox platform and Cumulo9's robust suite of communication solutions and digital capabilities allow us to offer a seamless and comprehensive digital communications infrastructure solution in the market. Together, we have forged a powerful partnership that expands our business opportunities and brings immense value to our clients.

Chris Hogg, Cumulo9 CEO

Sustainability: A key advantage for businesses

The partnership is also a beacon of environmental responsibility. Both companies, known for their eco-conscious ethos, including Cumulo9’s BCorp certification and e-Boks' dedication to the UN Global Compact, integrate sustainability into their core operations. This collaboration extends beyond technological innovation, underscoring a shared commitment to sustainable practices through digital opportunities within communication. Our joint efforts enhance efficiency and security and align with global sustainability goals, reducing the carbon footprint of business operations. This alliance sets a precedent in harmonising technological advancement with environmental stewardship, paving the way for a more sustainable digital future. 

Streamlining business communications

The solution will significantly streamline business communications, offering a secure and efficient channel for customer interactions. It introduces a system where document delivery is not only encrypted and instantaneous but also comes with a 100% delivery guarantee coupled with read receipts. This ensures immediate and reliable transmission of sensitive documents, a critical feature for time-sensitive communications. 

For end-users, a key benefit of this system is the complete removal of spam and phishing attempts. By utilising secure and verified channels, the risk of receiving unsolicited or malicious communications is nullified. This added layer of security is invaluable in today's digital landscape, where phishing and spam pose significant threats to both individuals and businesses. 

Future opportunities in the APAC region

As digital communication continues to evolve, this partnership positions Cumulo9 and e-Boks at the forefront of the industry. The collaboration is not just about responding to current trends but actively shaping the future of digital communications. It reflects a commitment to continuous innovation, ensuring that businesses in the APAC regions have access to the best tools to stay ahead in a rapidly changing digital landscape.


Interested in finding out more about transforming your digital communications? – contact the Cumulo9 team today.

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The e-Boks platform helps automate and streamline your digital communication with the highest level of security and compliance.

Cumulo9’s partnership with the global secure digital platform provider e-Boks is a collaboration set to redefine the standards of digital interaction between businesses and their customers. A partnership that leverages the strengths of both organisations to offer a more secure, efficient, and integrated digital communication experience.