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16 Jun 2019
C9 Transact Upgrade Enhances Clarity and UX
Here at Cumulo9, we are continually looking at ways to increase system security and enhance our C9 Transact (formerly Mailpost) email product. Our latest release, which went live overnight on Saturday 6th July contained some exciting improvements which enhance clarity and user experience.
So, what has changed?
Customisable client dashboards
You are now able to customise the branding for your different client accounts. This is especially useful where you may have an end client who logs in to check reports etc. Contact us if you would like to know more about this.
Loading screen – progress bar updated
We have changed the look and descriptions on the progress screen to provide more clarity about how your send is going. We can now display whether your send is loading, retrying, sending, collecting results, checking bounces or finishing.
Error indicator icon and detailed description
This new feature provides a clear visual way to see if there are any issues with the sends for any of your accounts. There is an alarm bell icon that immediately turns red if there’s an error. Clicking on the icon provides the user with further details about the error.
Cumulo9 can follow up on invalid email addresses and correct for you
We have introduced technology that allows us to easily identify all invalid email addresses and we now offer a service to follow up (via phone or other means) and correct these for you. Furthermore, we can ensure these email addresses have been rectified with our new email verification tool.

Tell us what you think
We hope you enjoy the latest enhancements we have made to C9 Transact. Let us know what you think or if you would like one of the team to provide any further info, send us an email and we’ll be in touch.