
21 Aug 2016

The New Zealand Government’s Digital Revolution

Over the past decade we have witnessed numerous positive advances in the breaking down of bureaucracy and the simplification of processes within our Government. For individuals, families, and businesses, this has resulted in services that are delivered with much greater speed and at a vastly reduced cost.

Technology is at the forefront of each and every change that has been made and it is pleasing to see the Government taking a lead in many cases with clever digital solutions.

Personally, my favourite example is our new on-line passport application system. I needed a new passport and with a spare hour one afternoon due to a meeting change in Melbourne, I logged onto the new on-line site, filled out the form, took a “selfie” with my iPhone, made the payment and submitted my application. At home two days later, my passport arrived in the mail. When you think about all of the necessary security processes associated with such a vitally important document, the creation of a physical passport and the sending of it, this must be a world first – hats off to the Department of Internal Affairs.

Not only is the Government intent on improving the services it provides to the country, there is also a laser focus on improving the way that all Government employees are treated.

At Cumulo9 we are proud to have played a part in helping to improve the service for 80,000 of those staff. Over the past 50 years, these individuals, who deliver something that is “every person’s right”, have received a small envelope with their physical pay-slip each fortnight. In some cases, it would take several days for the pay-slips to reach the recipient. Furthermore, the annual cost to the Ministry including stamps, envelopes, paper, printing and logistics was in the region of $2 million.

Now the pay-slips are created electronically and encrypted with a password that is unique to each recipient. Cumulo9 emails the pay-slips as an attachment to each recipient within 24 hours of it being created using our Mailpost product. This provides each employee with an opportunity to review their forthcoming payment and if there are any issues, they can usually be corrected before the payment is made.

So timeframes have been vastly reduced along with costs which have been cut by almost 90%. These savings are used to provide even better service by the Ministry.

For more information about Mailpost and how it can assist you to speed the delivery of your transactional documents, provide analytics and measurement around guaranteed delivery and generate significant savings over traditional hard copy delivery, give us a call on +64 9 377 8885 or email: sales@cumulo9.com.

News is the first draft of history

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