
16 Aug 2021

MORGO Queenstown conference 2021

Cumulo9 is gearing up and getting ready for the upcoming MORGO Queenstown Conference being held 08 – 10 September. We have talked about MORGO before as we are a recurring sponsor of this very worthwhile event. In this blog, we will discuss just what MORGO is all about and share why we believe it is important to sponsor events like this.

What is the MORGO 2021 conference?

MORGO is a high-energy 2-day retreat for the CEOs of tech and other high-growth companies competing on the global stage from Australia and New Zealand. The MORGO retreat brings together these high-growth business leaders to give them an annual re-charge and send them away with new energy to take on the challenges of building their businesses out into the world. These are challenging and often lonely journeys – it's the lucky entrepreneur who has a trusted co-founder, supportive investor, or a good board. MORGO brings them together to support and learn from each other.

Why does Cumulo9 regularly sponsor this event? 

At Cumulo9, we are continually reviewing the market and macro trends.  This provides us with the data to determine what we need to do next. Of course, we also have the systems and processes that allow us to adapt and if necessary reinvent ourselves. Sharing our story with others helps reinforce that we are on the right track – and just as importantly, where there is new thinking that we can evaluate and potentially adopt.  MORGO provides a venue for us to think differently. 

Management is constantly evolving, and the demands of technology, customer needs, and demographics require even the most experienced leaders to sharpen their knowledge and stay on top of their game. The business world also revolves around the value of a network and the chance to meet fellow leaders from different backgrounds with unique skills who help us to grow both personally and professionally.  MORGO provides a place for individuals and their companies to learn grow and prosper.

We're proud to be an ongoing partner and sponsor of the MORGO Community, a dynamic group of people building high-growth companies out into the world from New Zealand. Check out the MORGO website here to learn more. To find out more about our involvement in the event, contact us here.

The attendees at MORGO 2020
News is the first draft of history

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