Press Release

12 Apr 2022

MORGO Bay of Islands 2022 – Welcome to the Future

Following the success of MORGO 2020 (despite a live TV lambasting from the COVID-19 Minister about breaking rules - following which there was a deathly silence after a former Labour Health Minister politely informed him that ALL COVID rules were being rigorously enforced), Cumulo9 signed up for MORGO 2021.

COVID got in the way (again) and we were finally able to hold the event in March 2022 at the Bay of Islands – with a strict limit of 100 attendees.

The venue was outstanding - given they’d been in lockdown for so long.  We had the entire resort to ourselves for two days which made life much easier.

The theme this year was “Welcome to the Future” and there was certainly plenty of that with Manta 5 Bikes and a Zero Jet tender being demonstrated.

Overarching the “Future” though were the presentations that displayed adaptability and resilience through COVID.  These ranged from a company with more than 200 staff in the Ukraine through to Sir Ian Taylor explaining how Animation Research had pivoted from flying around to world for events to doing almost everything from their offices in Dunedin.

Here’s a link to a blog from MORGO founder Jenny Morel that summarises the event nicely:

At Cumulo9 we like to think we’ve adapted very well through COVID – as have most NZ IT businesses.  Being able to attain our ISO 27001 certification through lockdown, I think, speaks volumes for the team’s commitment and ability to quickly adapt.

2022 brings a new dawn for our ability to re-engage with the rest of the world and talk about the future of digital communications.

To that end, we are really looking forward to growing the eInvoicing solution that we have developed here in conjunction with our Australian Partners, Valtatech along with Datam/NZ Post and MBIE.  Our solution is unique and looks set to drive SME adoption across a wide range of verticals all around the world, with minimal changes required to existing processes.

If you’re curious about this, search the internet for eInvoicing and PEPPOL and if you want to know more, please contact us:  Phone +64 9 377 8885 or email at sales@cumulo9.com.

Untitled design 71
MORGO "Class of 22" in NZ's beautiful Bay of Islands
News is the first draft of history

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