Press Release

06 Apr 2016

Cumulo9’s new website launched

Cumulo9 launches their new website

We’ve had a fair bit going on in quite a short time this year at Cumulo9 HQ including:

  • The Livelink Connect acquisition
  • New people joining the Cumulo9 team
  • Product upgrades
  • New Product features and functionality

We decided that a new look website was the next logical step and we were pleased to launch our new site on Friday 01 April 2016.

Check it out

You’ll recognise the familiar Cumulo9 look on our new website and our products pages still showcase our full suite of digital communication tools including our world class deliverability functionality – helping to provide our customers with business certainty. You’ll probably notice one or two new features and products as well including “Automator” – say goodbye to printed forms, inefficiency and delay. We’ve also become a little more social these days with the development of the Cumulo9 Facebook and Twitter accounts to join our LinkedIn company page, adding weight to our social media presence. Now you can follow the latest Cumulo9 news and industry updates on your prefered social media channel.

Coming Soon

Over the next few months we’ll be introducing a client/ resource section, live online support, case studies, adding existing Directors and team members, technical updates page, deliverability calculator and animations.

Finally, before you leave our website, click on the About Us link if you feel like a laugh – hover over each photo to see what our team members get up when we’re not at work…

Happy browsing,

The team at Cumulo9

News is the first draft of history

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